Monday 28 December 2015

Good enough to eat ~ almost ;)

I don't know why but foody themed things just really seem cute to me , like those bath bombs that look like genuine cupcakes or ear rings that look like pieces of fruit etc , it's just all so quaint ! So you can see why these little gems stood out to me whilst I was sale shopping in debenams on Sunday ! 

~The Hershey's kiss almost looks real !

Cute as these Pepsi lip balms are though , I would have felt agrieved parting with a fiver for them let alone the original sale price of £10 ! 

I also have an odd fascination with anything the wrong size . By this I don't mean I like buying things a size or two too small for my wardrobe , I mean things that have been made at a novelty size like mini chocolate bars (hence my love of celebrations and heros - mini snickers Awww :3) or giant things like Reeses big cups or giant cadburys buttons ~ the sheer fact they are the same but swollenly large editions of an old classic gives me some odd sense of satisfaction , so you can understand my delight upon stumbling across the likes of these GIANT gummy bears and colossal cola bottles !

Additionally I also found more on the Confectionary front to entertain my childish glee ...

Oh and then came the never before spotted Lindt chocolate , I must admit these sounded perfect, champagne lindor truffles and Lindt 70% coccoa with Teachers ... Mmmmmmmm <3